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Sales Opportunities and Solutions

Sales Opportunities and Solutions

Every business has marketing costs. If your market produces average commissions of 4 to 5 thousand dollars or more and if you build your business with marketing campaigns, outsourced or not, you probably spend around 20% of your commission building your client base.

Once you have clients, their repeat business and referrals cut your average spending dramatically. If you have had a successful career and your past client marketing system is effective, and if you are satisfied with the business you now have, your costs may be very minimal. Referral business for a job well done is the best. For the rest of us who are building your client base through mail, phone or internet campaigns, cutting marketing costs is essential to compete today.

Here are the most common opportunities in sales presentations, with suggested scripts and where applicable, customizable marketing material you can use to help you make every marketing dollar count!!

Here at Sales Incentives, we provide you the effective sales incentive tools you need for these sales opportunities and maximize your drive, communication and success rates.

Take a look at this common list
of sales opportunities
We face them everyday, you'll recognize them all!

Opportunity #1:
More face to face appointments

Opportunity #2:
Keep phone leads and internet leads
on the line long enough to pre-qualify
and give you a closing opportunity

Opportunity #3:
Increase mail response rates

Opportunity #4:
Get your applications returned, quickly
and complete

Opportunity #5:
Get more applications by offering extra value

Opportunity #6:
Using incentives to get more referrals


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