Hello and Welcome to Sales Incentives.
The cost effective applications for our premiums might include
new customer & account acquisition, customer & account retention,
customer & account activation, product cross-sells, e-mail address acquisition, online account maintenance registration, customer service public relations, produce profits in fee based programs, activate dormant customers,
get more referrals, gain attention on the web, increase “win back” results,
gain record enrollment, deliver unanticipated customer rewards,
membership enhancement, trial programs, employee benefits and more.
This site is all about solutions; answers you can afford to the common,
every day opportunities that appear in almost every presentation we make.
Click below for more information on how
Sales Incentives can offer you clear,
concise ideas and how to make them work for you.
This video is an example of
an application for the Mortgage Industry
This audio is an example of
an application for the Mortgage Industry
This pdf is an example of
an application for the
Mortgage Industry
Hello and Welcome to Sales Incentives.
Why travel incentives? Because they work! Every customer centric industry has used them for years, and never more that right now! Dollar for dollar, no other sales incentive has the power to move a client to take action. In fact, nothing even comes close!
Consider this; in choosing a company to do business with, which would you prefer; a small percentage off the purchase price or two tickets to Tahiti, Paris, Hawaii or someplace that excites you? It has been proven many times that most people will prefer travel! And then remember the discount will reduce your margins at 3 to 4 times the cost of the incentive, the tickets to Tahiti will cost you $25 or less and you’ll still get more loans!! Interested?
Here’s how this site works. Think about your sales presentation. Where do clients hesitate? We’ll help you choose a low cost travel incentive based on your budget and values.
With a few easy clicks you will choose an opportunity and find everything you need to help your client choose to move forward with your sale. You will see scripts with training tips, and recommended sales incentive products and marketing letter templates already made just for you, just add your contact information.
You get all this for an entry price less than 10% of what most other vendors charge for custom marketing programs. Typical advertising programs can cost $4000 to $5000 for a first try. Don’t spend thousands of dollars trying to see if a program will work for you!Start small, usually $250 or less, track your results and then grow as it makes sense for you.
If travel incentives make sense for your company then consider this: Be careful who you choose to provide these products. There are hundreds of sites that offer incentives. Most companies sell you products require that YOUR client sends in money up front, or requires they attend timeshare presentations, or have too many weekend blackouts, so many restrictions that users just go away.
You get the sale, but your client has a bad experience and does not recommend your company to others. We know you absolutely cannot afford to have that happen to your borrower. Your commissions are too important! You are counting on them having a great vacation and telling their friends. We live on referrals; they are the best marketing of all! And, of course, we’ll help you with these, too.
You can trust Sales Incentives. We are the exclusive small order distributor for Lifestyle Vacation Incentives, recently merged with The Thomas Cook Group. LVI is part of a $21 Billion travel company, the best in the industry! Our products are trusted by the biggest companies in the world.
Check out our client list, you’ll be impressed. These successful corporations will not risk their reputation or their marketing on providers that cannot deliver the value and quality they promise. They spend millions of dollars promoting their companies with travel incentives every day. Why? Because it works!
Finally, here are the 10 requirements you will want to look for when choosing an incentive based marketing program to grow your company;
Your program must be SIMPLE - you don’t want to be in the travel business
The site is COMPLETE - everything is done for you, even custom marketing.
LOW START UP COSTS - Don’t waste thousands before you really know your marketing program will work for you.
It’s powerful; your program must work for your company to help you do more business
Extraordinarily COST EFFECTIVE - you’ll spend $25 to give your prospect $1,000 or more in real benefits
EXOTIC - appeal to their emotional side with excitement and fun!
- TRUSTWORTHY; no excessive conditions, blackouts, or up-selling to more expensive options. Your customer gets exactly what they are promised; no more, no less.
FULLY SUPPORTED - products’ backed by the biggest travel incentive company in the world.
It must be LEGAL - our products have been specifically priced to avoid violating most, if not all, gifting rules across industry guidelines.
And most importantly, your programs must be PROVEN - value added travel incentives really work to help your prospects come to you for their needs, not just to get this deal now, but for their future business, and for their friends who need your products and services.
This is why Sales Incentives is in business; to help every company compete with the biggest in the industry, to help more clients, and to give you clear, concise ideas to make them work for you.
We hope you’ll come back again and again. There is much to see on our site! We will add articles, new products, and more marketing. We love your ideas! Please contact us with your success stories or your frustrations. We’ll keep on improving our services so you can improve yours.
We hope you’ll go now to explore the Opportunity Solutions and see what we mean...
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